Friday, October 22, 2010

An Odd Time of Year

I love Halloween. I believe I have already mentioned that. I am surrounded and bombarded with odd items and imagery ... I love it!

For instance... not your typical potpie!

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I had a photo session last night. It is getting dark WAY too early!! I have a few more this month, so I probably won't get started on any Oddities this weekend.

The "Pure" pieces are still hanging at Douglas J Aveda (I'm assuming since I haven't been asked to pick them up yet) if you didn't get a chance to see them.

Here is another Whimsical Oddity I found while wandering online.... I love Steampunk!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Random Oddness

Stumbled upon this -- love her innocent creepiness!

No new Oddities of my own to share yet. Been busy doing some "normal" photos to fund a big anniversary vacation. I'm hoping to start some Oddities soon though!

{via loopyboopy}

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Well, I finally loaded my photos from my ArtPrize travels. I did not see near enough. Too much stuff going on at the same time as ArtPrize! I hope they extend the duration next year.

Here are some images with my Whimsical Oddities touch. See more photos of artwork in my flickr album.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Artist Reception

Douglas J Aveda hosted a reception for the artists showing pieces during ArtPrize. The girls were dressed in black and wore recycled hair accessories created by one of the artists. They looked beautiful! One of the girls loaded up a cart of complimentary snacks... she got about two feet from the door and was attacked by the crowds groping for free food. C said it looked like she was attacked by a school of piranhas every time she entered the crowd. Her hair became all askew, her outfit stained. And the girls with trays (free cocktails) was quite a sight as well. They were all troopers and lived through the event! It was entertaining to observe.

Thanks to all that came to see "Pure"! They are up until at least the 9th, so check them out if you haven't already.

I have a new project brewing.... will share more soon!

Monday, October 4, 2010

"Pure" Birthday

We have three cats. C created a card for me "inspired" by the "Pure" Whimsical Oddities artwork. I couldn't stop laughing....