Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Year!

I'm up to my eyeballs in images to sort and back up! They sure add up fast.

Going to snap some new Oddities once I finish here....

{ A "deer" little image I took with my 50mm lens }

Friday, December 17, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Just a Taste...

Here are some pieces I have been working on. These are all at "pre-wax" stage. Waxing frenzy tonight!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Beet It!

Yes. I suck. I have neglected to post in ages.

BUT-- I have completed some artwork for a little private art party happening this Friday. I'll post some photos from it next week. Really. I will.

Right now I am starving. I will leave you with this delicious image. The pizza crust is made with beets. I'm sure it's completely healthy.

{ via (neverhome)maker }

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ho, Ho, Ho!

My portrait session season is over, so now it's time to do some more artwork! This month I will be creating some holiday-inspired pieces for an upcoming event. Hopefully, I will be able to get my act together and open the Etsy store before Christmas hits.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Pinhole Pumpkin

I'm slacking on posts again! The kids and family photo season has come to a close, so after I process the latest sessions, I'm creating some art!

Here's a cool little Fall project I found while wandering the web:

{ via photojojo , craft , and one pearl button }

Friday, October 22, 2010

An Odd Time of Year

I love Halloween. I believe I have already mentioned that. I am surrounded and bombarded with odd items and imagery ... I love it!

For instance... not your typical potpie!

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I had a photo session last night. It is getting dark WAY too early!! I have a few more this month, so I probably won't get started on any Oddities this weekend.

The "Pure" pieces are still hanging at Douglas J Aveda (I'm assuming since I haven't been asked to pick them up yet) if you didn't get a chance to see them.

Here is another Whimsical Oddity I found while wandering online.... I love Steampunk!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Random Oddness

Stumbled upon this -- love her innocent creepiness!

No new Oddities of my own to share yet. Been busy doing some "normal" photos to fund a big anniversary vacation. I'm hoping to start some Oddities soon though!

{via loopyboopy}

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Well, I finally loaded my photos from my ArtPrize travels. I did not see near enough. Too much stuff going on at the same time as ArtPrize! I hope they extend the duration next year.

Here are some images with my Whimsical Oddities touch. See more photos of artwork in my flickr album.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Artist Reception

Douglas J Aveda hosted a reception for the artists showing pieces during ArtPrize. The girls were dressed in black and wore recycled hair accessories created by one of the artists. They looked beautiful! One of the girls loaded up a cart of complimentary snacks... she got about two feet from the door and was attacked by the crowds groping for free food. C said it looked like she was attacked by a school of piranhas every time she entered the crowd. Her hair became all askew, her outfit stained. And the girls with trays (free cocktails) was quite a sight as well. They were all troopers and lived through the event! It was entertaining to observe.

Thanks to all that came to see "Pure"! They are up until at least the 9th, so check them out if you haven't already.

I have a new project brewing.... will share more soon!

Monday, October 4, 2010

"Pure" Birthday

We have three cats. C created a card for me "inspired" by the "Pure" Whimsical Oddities artwork. I couldn't stop laughing....

Monday, September 27, 2010

Happy Birthday to ME!!

It's my BIRTHDAY today! Look what I got in the mail... my new itty bitty business cards for Whimsical Oddities. I love them. Happy Birthday to me!

Sorry about the lack of ArtPrize posts. They are coming -- really, they are! They are just living on my memory card... in my camera...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Loaded the art process for "Pure" to my flickr account. Check there for more images. Unfortunately, I only had my cell phone camera in the art cave, so not the most fabulous images! More photos here:

Monday, September 20, 2010


The girls will be hung tomorrow at the Douglas J Aveda Institute!

My proposal was to create a custom Whimsical Oddity for my venue with subject matter to tie in with the space. This Whimsical Oddity series is called "Pure" reflecting the pure ingredients used in Aveda products. There are three wood panels with three vintage doll photographs covered in natural beeswax.

Each doll panel has a name with the definition "pure" in it. Agnes, Chastity, and Blanche.

If you're in the area, check them out during ArtPrize! 

I will post the art process for these pieces soon--- so come on back!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Some Odd Bits....

Here are some Oddities from the past....

Hey, Girls...

The art piece is in progress! I'm hoping to have it completed by the weekend. There are three panels measuring 30" x 30" each. I wanted to do something to tie into the venue yet still showcase my Oddities. The title is "Pure" reflecting the pure ingredients used in Aveda products. I have also incorporated some natural beeswax.

I have attached a sneak peek at the beginning process. I lined the girls up for an audition-- only three made it!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


I met with K at my ArtPrize venue last night. My spot to fill is HUGE! Time to start creating the piece! The Artist Reception is September 26 (the day before my birthday). My piece is due by September 17. So I have about a month to create a masterpiece Whimsical Oddity. Eeep!

Friday, July 30, 2010

I'm Back.

Whoa! I haven't been here for a while.


My project was picked up by a venue for ArtPrize, a local competition here in Grand Rapids, MI open to any artist in the world. I was an avid observer last year and decided to enter this year. Unfortunately, there were some timing and technical difficulties between my venue and I, so we were unable to get the "connection" in by the deadline. So, I am not officially "in" ArtPrize, but the venue is still showing my piece. So that will be fun!

Also, it looks like I am back in the portrait photo biz. I had a photo studio 3 years ago and have since given it up to art direct full-time (yes, a desk job. I have been cubicled). I have started offering limited sessions due to high demand. The most recent sessions this week included a Medieval War fought with foam weapons and two adorable sisters. I may have to start a separate blog to share my normal photos. I really don't think a teenage girl would like to be posted as a "Whimsical Oddity".

C (spouse) and I are collaborating on The Sketchbook Project, a world-wide event where your completed sketchbook goes on tour ultimately ending up in the permanent collection at The Brooklyn Art Library. There are several themes to choose from for your sketchbook--we chose "Raining Cats and Dogs". Having 3 cats certainly feels like it's raining cats at our house!

So stay tuned to hear more about my ArtPrize piece! It is categorized as a Whimsical Oddity-- more details soon!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Ready For Some Nature.

I'm ready to head to the woods. I need some nature!

Well, minus the mosquitoes.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Lucky Teachers

A large percentage of my friends are teachers. Tomorrow is their last day of school. I certainly envy them at noon tomorrow! Here is a photo of some of my teacher friends from last summer.

Monday, June 7, 2010

How Exciting!

Well, I finally entered an art competition. My Whimsical Oddities will soon be FAMOUS! Ha!

Now, just waiting for a venue to accept us.... I'll keep you posted!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Rock On

Ugh. A 12-day work week this week. Heading to NY for my day job for a convention over the weekend. No progress on fun artwork this week.

I will leave you with a photo I took on the shore of Lake Superior ....

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bird Project DONE!

It's done! I have one more donation graphic art project to do, then I may try to get something completed to enter in our local art festival this year.

Bird themed project: "Karma"
7" high
Hand modeled clay characters
Thrifted/recycled cage and nest (wood tealight holder)
Vintage book pages collaged to surfaces
Beeswax accents
Jute twine pulled apart for nest material

Friday, April 30, 2010

It's Alive!

Found this creepy onion in the depths of my fridge.

I do believe it is past it's prime....

Thursday, April 29, 2010


I finished. Early. The Bird Assemblage is complete! I will post photos later this weekend. I have a jam-packed weekend ahead of me.

I am typically a diehard procrastinator, so this early thing is all new to me.....

Monday, April 26, 2010

Fun with Toys

I like little things.

I had to grab these tiny little dudes when I spotted them at a thrift sale. They fit nicely in my purse. I tend to play with them at restaurants with my cell camera.

This is a "session" from a local brewery.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bird Project 1

I am participating in a benefit to raise money for the art program at an elementary school in my state. I donate a piece of art to this cause every year. Every year I procrastinate. It is due a week from Friday.

Each year the project is based on a specific theme. This year the theme is "Birds". Here is a sneak peek at a portion of my project. More coming as it evolves! I might post some past projects as well...

Monday, April 19, 2010


I stumbled across this photo I took last month from a restaurant parking lot. Fortunately I had my point and shoot with me to capture this. Note the fierce canine in the window.

Look a little harder....there!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Let's Get It Started...

OK. Today is the day. I know all of my followers are anxiously awaiting a post
(insert the sound of crickets here).

About me:
Happily married for 8.5 years (I had to do math for that one)
One Step-Spawn daughter. She refers to me as Step-Monster. Or just Monster.
Three cats that run our house.
One grandpuppy.
I love pizza.
I am dimensionally challenged.
I love to cook but hate to bake.
I loathe vacuums and washing dishes.
I love the garden, but tend to kill things if I touch them. Hubby is the gardener.
I love green and all shades of mud. My house decor proves it.
My favorite days are partly cloudy.
I am an artist, illustrator, and Photo Humorist.
I collect odd bits.
I love to thrift, junk, antique, garage sale...whatever you call it these days.

Welcome to my Wide Weird World.